Your Body’s Ability to Heal is Greater than Anyone Has Permitted You to Believe

Homeopathy is the world's second most widely used form of medicine and is an established 200 year old comprehensive modality that offers a safe and gentle approach to healing. It works by stimulating the body’s own healing processes.

Whether you're seeking relief from acute or chronic conditions, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, homeopathy offers a natural solution. Homeopathic remedies are safe and non-toxic making them suitable for people of all ages; from infants to the elderly and even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For further details on homeopathic treatments and consultation services, please refer to the information below.

Meet Jessica HOM, RN, BSN, HBsc

Classical Homeopath and Registered Nurse

I have always been passionate about helping others, the laws of nature, and the language of our bodies.

As a homeopath with almost a decade of nursing experience, I am interested in understanding and addressing the unique, intricate language of your symptoms. I firmly believe that true health transcends the mere absence of symptoms. Understanding yourself and your ability to be flexible and adapt to an ever-changing environment both externally and internally, are essential to healing. My approach centers on helping you cultivate this resilience while recommending effective homeopathic treatments that can be seamlessly integrated into your life.

Through homeopathic practice, you’ll forge a deeper connection with yourself and gain a heightened awareness of your body's subtle cues. You will start to trust in its inherent ability to heal and come to understand that your body is not an adversary, but rather a partner in the healing process. With time and grace, you will learn to discern when intervention is needed and how to support your body in its healing. 

  • Infants & Children

    Effective in treating a broad range of pediatric conditions, from minor colds and coughs to complex behavioral disorders such as ADHD and autism.

  • Chronic Conditions

    Beneficial in cases of skin conditions, autoimmune diseases, allergies, headaches and migraines, digestive problems, chronic pain, and more.

  • Women's Health

    Restores health in cases of hormonal imbalances, PMS, menopausal challenges, infertility, and low libido.

  • Mental & Emotional Health

    Alleviate depression, anger, grief, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Homeopathy treats the person with the ailment or disease, not the disease.

    As a homeopath, I recognize that a person’s state of imbalance is expressed through symptoms on all levels of being including the physical, mental and emotional. Furthermore, I understand that your life experiences, relationships, traumas, living environment, and lifestyle all have a potential role in the evolution of your total health over the course of your lifetime. For homeopathic treatment to be effective, a homeopath must choose a remedy that addresses the person’s unique central disturbance and a remedy must be specific to the individual in consideration of all of these facets.

    Homeopathic treatment is completely individualized and is based on your own unique experiences and symptomatology.

    To illustrate, a homeopath will prescribe a different remedy for each person suffering with a backache on the particulars of that backache, their general constitutional state and the underlying root causes for the backache whether physical, environmental, or emotional.

    This is what makes homeopathy so distinct and wonderful. It is one of the only modalities that can really uproot the deeper imbalance.

    Homeopathy is not suppressive medicine. Instead, it works with the body. Your prescribed remedy functions to stimulate your body’s innate healing ability and restore balance on all levels.

  • Homeopathy can assist with both acute and chronic ailments.

    Whether you have tried all other options, are in the beginning of your healing journey, or simply looking to strengthen your overall vitality alongside your current regimen, homeopathy is for you.

    Homeopathic care has success in treatment ranging from minor children’s complaints such as colic, colds, coughs and ear infections to assisting in addressing complex pathological conditions such as asthma, hormonal imbalances, arthritis and IBS, just to name a few. However, the application of homeopathic treatment is extremely vast and almost everyone can benefit from working with a homeopath at some point within their life.

    Homeopathy also as its place in mental health and emotional health concerns, helping to uproot emotional traumas and support the nervous system in conditions such as anxiety, insomnia and depression. For children it is helpful in cases of ADHD, autism and behavioural conditions.

    If you would like more information on how homeopathy can help you, please connect with me.

  • When used properly, homeopathic medicines are safe for all ages and considered non-toxic and non-addictive. Refer to our resources page for more information.

  • In Ontario, Canada homeopaths are regulated healthcare professionals who must meet specific training requirements to practice. The College of Homeopaths of Ontario (CHO) oversees the regulation of homeopathy in the province. In Ontario, only members of the College of Homeopaths of Ontario are regulated and authorized to use the title "Homeopath” or “HOM.”

    I am a proud member in good standing with the CHO.

  • Please refer to Services & Fees page for more information on how we can work together whilst utilizing homeopathy to restore your health.

  • Obtaining your prescribed remedies will vary depending on where you live. l will either ship remedies to you or provide you with resources to reputable homeopathic pharmacies local to you. Homeopathic remedies are quite affordable, often averaging between $5 - $15.

Learn more here.

These videos are for educational purposes only. Credit: 4 Homeopathy.