Homeopathy & Resources

What is Homeopathy?

It is estimated that worldwide, over 500 million people use homeopathy on a regular basis. According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second most used medicine in the entire world. It is included in the national health systems of a number of countries including Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and Switzerland.

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. It is not naturopathy or herbal medicine. Instead, it utilizes highly diluted substances made from nature that act to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms.

Homeopathy is founded upon several key principles, including:

The Law of Similars

The Law of Similars, also known as "like cures like," is a fundamental principle in homeopathy. This principle is based on the idea that a substance that produces a particular set of symptoms in a healthy individual can stimulate the body's innate healing processes to overcome similar symptoms when they occur as part of an illness.

For example, if a person has symptoms of watery eyes and a runny nose due to hay fever, a homeopathic remedy made from onion (Allium cepa), which can produce similar symptoms of watery eyes and a runny nose when eaten raw, might be used to treat the hay fever symptoms.


Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole, taking into account not just physical symptoms but also emotional and mental aspects of health. Remedies are chosen based on the unique symptoms and characteristics of each person, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Ten different people may experience hay fever, but how they experience it may be different from one person to the next. It is likely then, that ten different people with symptoms of hay fever, may each be prescribed a different homeopathic remedy.

Minimum dose

Homeopathic prescriptions are dosed particular to the individual. Dosage and repetition will depend on several factors including the intensity of the symptoms and the person’s sensitivity level. In most cases, homeopathy uses the smallest possible dose needed to ignite the body's self-healing response. Generally, infrequent dosing is needed to provide therapeutic benefits.

What health conditions can homeopaths treat?

Homeopathy offers treatment for a broad spectrum of health conditions, whether they are acute or chronic, for people of all ages, including both adults and children alike. Since homeopathy treats the person, anyone can benefit. 

How are homeopathic remedies made?

There are precise and strict guidelines outlined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, on the preparation of homeopathic medicines. The technique involves a process which is mostly completed by licensed homeopathic manufacturers worldwide. The process begins with taking the crude substance in nature such as a plant, mineral or animal source and then potentizing it to render it safe and effective. Potentization is made possible by the process of serial, repetitive dilution and succussion.

One prominent manufacturer of homeopathic remedies worldwide is Boiron founded in 1932. Below is a video on the Boiron manufacturing process of homeopathic remedies. This video is for reference only. You can watch the video here:

Are homeopathic remedies safe?

When used properly, homeopathic remedies are gentle, safe, and effective for infants, children, pregnant & breastfeeding women and the elderly. It is safe to use homeopathic remedies alongside other medications as there are no known interactions. It serves as an alternative medicine and complimentary medicine to conventional treatments.

Homeopathic remedies manufactured in Canada are regulated and licensed by Health Canada. The product label includes a homeopathic medicine number preceded by the code DIN-HM. This label informs consumers that the product has been reviewed and approved by Health Canada for safety and efficacy. 

Many countries in the world follow similar processes.

What should I expect after taking a homeopathic remedy?

With the guidance of a knowledgeable homeopath, you can better understand how your body responds to a homeopathic remedy and adapt your treatment plan as needed. Consistent follow-up appointments are key to achieving positive outcomes in homeopathic healing. For general knowledge purposes, some things that may occur after you take a remedy can include the following:

  1. You notice an improvement in your chief symptoms.

  2. You may not experience an improvement in your chief symptoms right away, but you notice an overall increase in your vitality, improvement in your mood, energy and/or sleep patterns. You become more resilient to stressors and feel better overall.

  3. You experience a temporary return of old symptoms.

  4. You may experience an emotional or physical discharge.

  5. Symptoms begin to shift in your body following different patterns of healing as acknowledged by homeopaths.

  6. You may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms known as a homeopathic aggravation. According to homeopathic principles, this aggravation is typically short-lived and is followed by an improvement in symptoms.

  7. When no change is observed, it could suggest an incorrect remedy choice, necessitate an adjustment in remedy potency or dosage, or indicate the presence of specific internal or external blocks that may need to be addressed. These impediments to healing are referred to as obstacles to cure, and collaborating with a homeopath can help identify and resolve these obstacles effectively.

What is a homeopathic aggravation?

There is a slight risk of experiencing a homeopathic aggravation or proving, if a homeopathic remedy is administered too frequently or if an individual is particularly sensitive to certain potencies. These effects are typically mild and short-lived and they can be effectively managed under the guidance of a professional homeopath.

A homeopathic aggravation typically manifests as a mild and temporary intensification of existing symptoms or the appearance of new symptoms following the administration of a remedy. It is often considered by homeopaths as a positive indication that the chosen remedy is having an effect. While homeopaths may advise patients to observe these symptoms rather than immediately discontinuing treatment, it is important to seek guidance from a professional homeopath to properly evaluate and address these changes to ensure the body is working in the direction of healing.

Is homeopathy evidenced based medicine and where can I learn more about homeopathy?

There is a multitude of homeopathic professional journals, websites, organizations and schools which discuss the art and science of homeopathy. Some resources include:

American Institute of Homeopathy

Council for Homeopathic Certification

Homeopathy Research Institute

Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians


North America Society for Homeopathy

The National Center for Homeopathy


This list of resources has been provided as a reference only.

Where Can I Purchase Homeopathic Remedies?

Below is a list (not exhaustive) of some homeopathy pharmacies and local suppliers of homeopathic products worldwide:

  • Boiron (CAN & USA)

  • Homeocan (CAN)

  • Thompson’s Homeopathic Supplies Ltd. (CAN)

  • Riverdale Homeopathy (CAN)

  • Arson’s Pharmacy (CAN)

  • Hahnemann Labs (USA)

  • Helios (UK)

  • I&E Organics Apothecary (USA)

  • Washington Homeopathic Products (USA)

  • Ainsworth (UK)

  • PS11 (International)

  • Nature’s Emporium (Ontario, Canada)

  • Whole Foods (CAN & USA)

  • Sprouts (USA)

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